Recently we joined a new church, and in doing so our Pastor had us take a survey to help determine what our spiritual gifts are. I was surprised at my results. Faith. I was able to trust highly in something that I couldn't touch, or see.
My journey has been a long one. It has been chapter after chapter of big events and small works. It has been spurred on by heart wrenching trials and many celebrations. But here. Now. Another Monday, I sit and read the words of Luke 8:22-25 and am reminded not even 24 hours later about my "faith".
If I had my own photo, I would most certainly use it. But I don't. More on that to come. But Google Images provides a great way to put many visuals to a few words. "SQUALL and BOAT" gives us many choices. Most images were large ships and big oceans. But when Jesus calms the storm, I always imagine the boat not a rowboat, but definitely not a sailing ship. I imagine a boat being easily tossed and lurched and swayed.
One day Jesus said to his disciples, "Lets go over to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and set out, As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.
The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we are going to drown!"
He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters;
the storm subsided, and all was calm.
"Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.
In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."
Luke 8: 22-25 NIV
Can you imagine? I have a thing about water. Rivers, mostly. Their great unseen moving power gives me the shivereeeees and makes my heart beat really fast. Add a hydraulic dam to the picture and i'm ridden with fear. (This is probably why I'm not able to provide my own photo!!!) But as I read these words and put myself in this situation, I know that I probably would have been curled in the fetal position, squeezed under anything that would provide me the least bit of protection. I would be gasping for breath, to weak to even wake the teacher.
Apart from the power behind and in water, I can honestly say, that I have little fear in life. Perhaps this is why my faith, my trust in the mighty power that guides our lives, is so great (but not great enough, may I add, to face a storm as as such). But how about you? Could you draw a list of more than one thing you fear? More than five? Ten? How has your list of fears changed in experiencing life? What or where do you put your faith? And how, dear friends, do you cope when you are ridden with fear?
I think back to when I was young, a child. I was afraid of the unknown of our creepy basement. I was kept awake at night by the thoughts of a house fire, or a bar-time wanderer taking a short-cut through our city yard. Even in college, I was terrified- TERRIFIED of the dark woods surrounding my now-husband's home. Slowly, these have melted away, as my faith has been tested, tried, and strengthened.
Where is our faith in these situations? Where is faith when thinking about our health, the safety of our children, or the stock market? So what draws us in to fear? And what is stopping us from drawing from faith instead?
When is the last time you experienced a great joy? A moment that you knew was beyond you? For those of you who have read my other posts... a recent moment for me revolved around a dishwasher. Another moment for me was when my son and baby and I were protected and spared a few months ago... cars and semi trucks where bumping and slipping and crashing all around us, and we were unscathed. A moment that clearly my faith and fears were challenging one another! But this moment was beyond me. What about the birth of a child? Or a moment of confirmation during a time of trial, inquiry, or worship? What joys have been beyond YOU?
The day is unfolding before each and everyone of us. I remind my children, daily, that we have a choice. We have a choice to cloud our minds and pout over "stinkin' thinkin' ", or to choose to be loving, thoughtful and kind. If you read nothing else today, let this one thing settle in your heart and mind, for that is what prompted me to write this morning. It is this: Let your faith overide your fear. Give it a chance. Let it go out before you, under you, above you. Journal your joys and your fears. Friends, when we give way and let the faith that rebukes winds and raging waters, and hold loosely to fear we will experience God's gentleness and faithfulness, His protection, provision and love in, what I believe, ALL situations.
...let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith...
Hebrews 10:22
***I would love to hear from you today. How have these questions challenged you? Please share in the comments section about your perspective of faith and fear. Lastly, I want to share that I'm just a mom on a journey of my own. I love to read these old translated words and apply them in my life. I'm no expert, and perhaps I might even speak of things out of context. But that is the beauty of the living, active words- they speak to us all in different moments and different ways. Above all else, I want to be a source of encouragement through my transparent faith-filled life. Now let the comments roll!!!!***